The DC Office®
Other Intellectual Property Rights
Other Intellectual Property Rights
Except for governmental and public domain content, all rights, title and interest in and to website and its content and to related trademarks, trade names, copyrights, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights, including, but not limited to, TheDCOffice, Inc., The DC Office®, TheDCOexpress 2022 and the logo, are owned by TheDCOffice, Inc. or its suppliers, and they are protected by copyright laws, trademark laws, trade secret laws and international treaty provisions. Except for governmental and public domain content, all rights, title and interest in and to website, its content and their parts and components regardless of their level of integration or separability remain under TheDCOffice, Inc.'s ownership, including:
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Unless otherwise authorized in writing by TheDCOffice, Inc., or covered by the terms of the License granted to individual subscribers to who accept the terms of the End User License Agreement (EULA), it is prohibited for any one personally or through others to reproduce, create derivative works from, perform, publish, transmit, distribute, sell or otherwise access, use, or exploit website or its content in violation of TheDCOffice, Inc.'s intellectual property rights; to store any content in any electronic storage and retrieval system; to distribute any content to any person unauthorized to use or receive the content; to distribute, rent, sublicense, lease, transfer or assign the content; to decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse-engineer website or its content; to alter, translate, modify, or adapt website and its content; to create derivative works, make use of ‘scraping,’ ‘framing’ or other means of redirecting website or its content, or disguising or defacing its origin; or to copy and redistribute (internally or externally) any tables of contents, highlights, indices, or other finding aids from website or its content.
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